So, I have jumped into the world of Eurorack modular synthesizers. I started with some assembled modules and some DIY kits. But this TAPLFO Eurorack module is the first that I’ve designed and built myself from scratch.
It’s a Tap Tempo LFO module sized for eurorack (12 hp) and based on the Electric Druid TAPLFO chip. The circuit is taken straight from Electric Druid’s data sheet for his TAPLFO chip. Here is my schematic (click for full size).
My goal was to make all the functions and controls that the TAPLFO chip has to offer available on the front panel. Click the links, above, to the Electric Druid website and datasheet for more info on how all the functions of the module work. I used the 3C version of the chip with no issues whatsoever. But I believe there is now an updated 3D version available.
This is a really full featured LFO module and I’m very happy with the results.